Monday, December 19, 2011

December Activities

A short post to let you know what we have been up to in's been busy but probably the least stressful holiday season we've ever had. We've enjoyed every minute of it...I think because we finished our shopping in November. Reminder to that every year. Here we are at Talon's office Christmas party...
We've baked SO many delicious goodies this year. This specific day I was baking red and white sugar cookie pinwheels. From the recipe I found here. They are definitely not as hard as they look...just a little time consuming.
We celebrated this big guy turning fun to watch him grow:)
  We've also made several attempts to drag Tils along for the ride where in the end every single time we decide it's best that she stays at home. This is her seating on the console in between the drivers and passenger side seat because she is insane in the car... 
I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday season as much as we are!