Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cane Chair

This past weekend I finally got around to updating the cane chair I scored at a yard sale a month or so back. Remember...I talked about it here and here. Here's the before shot...
I decided that tearing down the fabric since it had all those tacks would be more work than I wanted to put in to it. So I did the lazy thing and just went straight to the spray paint....
It took several coats of the Krylon Dual Paint and Primer in One to get this bad boy to go white.
 Then I ran out to JoAnns and bought discount fabric that semi-matched my living room and started re-covering the seat. I was about half way finished when I realized tearing off the old fabric to use as a pattern would have been about six bajillion times easier. Live and Learn.
 I'm loving the newest addition that also provides additional seating. Gotta love functional pieces.
Not bad for $12.00....
 I even made a fun pillow with the leftover fabric. Which almost ended in me throwing my sewing machine out the window. Literally. Why is it every time I break that thing out I want to slam it in the wall??
 We have a fun weekend happy it's Friday!